Monday, September 22, 2008


We encountered our fist bit of lameness in the process. When we bought the lot (out of foreclosure), it had approved plans. We aren't using those, but all the various docs exist, and as part of the closing, any outstanding items were supposed to be settled out of escrow funds.

Today our architect needed some base map CAD files and called the civil engineering firm to get those. Here's the firm:

So they claim that they were never paid for the grading plans they created for the old developer. And they won't release the CAD files unless we pay them for the work that we a) didn't contract for and b) don't need or want. All we need is the topo survey that Fuscoe used to do it's work. Never mind that they didn't bother to file the lien that would have gotten them paid in the closing. Now it's my problem.

After a week, we get to a price. It's bascially extortion, since I am not the one that screwed them over, but since I don't want a multi-week delay beyond the delay that Fuscoe has already caused me, I agree to fedex overnight a check. In return, they will release the files.

I scramble to get the check overnighted to them and then...nothing. No response. When I call I am told that the exec I have been speaking with is out and he will call me back next week. All those emails where we agreed that he would send the files apparently didn't matter. So I am delayed a bit more. Apparently when a developer stiffs you on some work, the proper response as understood by Fuscoe Engineering is to screw over a completely unrelated guy, in this case: me.

On Monday he comes back and sends the files, along with a request that we call them to do more work when we are ready, they'd love to be a part of the project! Oh yeah, that sounds great. Let's see, you delay my project by over a week, when I scramble to pay your extortion price for work I didn't ask for or need, you can't be bothered to hit the f-ing send button on your email, but I am going to pay you to do more work. That sounds like an excellent deal and you guys sound like an excellent firm.

On the plus side, since you are located in SoCal, there's a good chance that the RE implosion down there will force you out of business.